What Else Could It Be?

Is it possible that current world events point to something other than Jesus’ soon return? Is the evidence conclusive, or do other possibilities exist?

Let’s look at what the Bible says about the last days and see what conclusion it leads us to.

1948 Israel1. Israel’s miraculous rebirth as a nation. I always like to point out that based on his study of the books of Daniel and Revelation, Isaac Newton predicted Israel would again become a nation in the last days and 225 years later it happened exactly the way God said it would (see Isaiah 66:8). Wow!

 2. Third temple fever in Israel. The Bible tells us that there must be a temple in Jerusalem for the antichrist to defile at the midpoint of the Tribulation (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8; Revelation 13:5-6, 19:20). Today, we see extensive preparations and much excitement in Israel for this third temple. For more on why this is pivotal to the biblical picture of the last days, see The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple. Scripture assures us there will be a seventieth week of Daniel during which time God will bring a remnant of the Jewish people to saving faith (Daniel 9:27; Zechariah 12:10-13:9).

 3. The emerging one-world government. God’s Word also states that during the seven-year Tribulation, the antichrist will rule atop an oppressive world kingdom. Do we see evidence that this one-world government is forming? Absolutely!
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is all about one-world governance and its devotees include the most powerful people in the world. The WEF has joined forces with proponents of the UN’s Agenda 2030 with the goal of making this happen before 2030. Both organizations are fully committed to enslaving the world under a Marxist totalitarian regime.WEF image

4. The globalists will achieve world dominance amid deadly deceptions. The elite powerbrokers know that the majority of people on earth don’t want what they offer, but that doesn’t matter. In my recent blog post, Deadly Delusions: 5 Lies the Globalists Want You to Believe, I cover some of their lies that people accept today unaware of the deadly intent behind the falsehoods. Always remember Jesus’ words in John 8:44 in regard to these satanic power-hungry people who want to rule the world.

5. Signs, signs, and more signs. I have intensely studied Bible prophecy for the past seven years and before that, almost all my life since graduating from seminary in 1978. I’m amazed by all the signs I see lining up with what the Bible says life would look like in the last days. The wickedness, lawlessness, and violence of our day cries out for God’s judgment such as will happen during the Tribulation.

6. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The world lies on the edge of the conditions that John describes in Revelation 6:1-8. I believe God is restraining world events so that the extreme magnitude of these prophesied events won’t occur until after the Rapture. The world is full of precursors to the dire conditions the apostle describes in these verses. Apart from a tsunami-like change to the trajectory of current events, these horsemen will ride in the near future.

Surveillance7. The Technology is in place for the Mark of the Beast. Up until the past twenty-five years or so, enforcing the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:16-18 would’ve been impossible apart from a massive army of people in each nation and perhaps in every city.
Now, however, future worldwide control of all buying and selling is not only possible, but likely thanks to rapid advances in technology coupled with the elite’s quest for absolute power over the lives of their subjects. Developments in artificial intelligence combined with massive databases will provide the antichrist with all he needs to exercise total control of commerce throughout the world.

What else could it be? 
This is just a summary of some of the signs pointing to the rapid approach of the seven-year Tribulation. I can’t imagine an alternative set of events to explain what we see other than what Scripture says will happen after the Rapture. 

For the myriad of signs not to point to the last moments before the prophesied Day of the Lord, God would have to miraculously put history in reverse and at a later time allow everything we now see to reappear. But why would He do that since He’s already prophesied the current state of our world?

Just as God provided many signs in the Old Testament so that first century AD Jews would recognize their Messiah, so He has given us an abundance of signs telling us that the Day of the Lord is ever so near and before it starts, the Rapture. Those that are wise will take heed!

No matter what we face, we know the story of our lives as New Testament saints ends with surpassing joy after we meet Jesus in the air. This life is often a vale of tears for us, but it’s not the end of our story.

(Article written by Johnathan Brentner from “Our Journey Home” & used with permission)

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